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Book demo
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The Dynamik adventure started in 2018, as an idea for a tool to help with bookkeeping and control over financial instruments.

After  many years of experience as accountants, we saw the need for a tool that could help  keep control of the financial portfolio. We had experienced that many companies used Excel or variants of the ledger in the accounting system to register and keep track. The disadvantage of Excel is that formulas and lines can quickly be deleted. The disadvantage of the accounting systems is that these are not really built for handling financial instruments.


We are four entrepreneurs who started Dynamik based on an idea for a separate software that would connect the flow of information from the broker to the accounts. We are all economists with extensive experience from the accounting industry, and know the need for a solid and good system for handling financial transactions. We presented the idea to a bunch of investors, and from day one we got several of the investors with us as pilot companies and shareholders in Dynamik.

With capital from investors and support from Innovation Norway, we started development.

The combination of ongoing accounting and development of Dynamik has been one of our success factors. Accounting and IT sit closely together, and development receives immediate feedback on improvements in both accounting and reporting.

Who is Dynamik?

Today, the organization has grown into an environment with both economists and technologists. We are a strong team with specialist expertise in all parts of the product we make, and we are ready to enter the market with a robust system that has been proven in several annual settlements.

Our Vision

Increase the customers' value-adjusted return





Team player

Customer focused

Vibeke Thorsen


Sveinung Øie

Business developer/certified public accountant

Ole Jørgen Haavelmoen

Key Account Manager / Marketing Manager

Werner Bjørk

CEO / Statsautorisert Regnskapsfører

Dag Vilmar Tveit

Senior Systemutvikler

Tommy Koløy


Maxim Balaganskiy

Senior Systemutvikler

Henry Røthing

COO / Statsautorisert Regnskapsfører

John Erik Svendsen


Kristin Hagerup

Statsautorisert Regnskapsfører

Luma Safiyeh



Why the name Dynamik - and why with only one K?

The name Dynamik plays on the fact that we offer a tool that changes the interaction between investor, broker and accounting firm, by accountants taking a much earlier and more participatory role in the process.

A small definition: Dynamic process means that actors influence others and develop their understanding during the work. New recognition can provide a basis for redefining premises in a work. In such an approach, dialogue, relationships and reaching an agreement through mutual increased understanding will be central.

Kjell Skappel

Advisory board

Lars Viste

Advisory board

Jon Gjerstad


Jane Tvedt


Sveinung Farestveit


Advisory board og eksterne styremedlemmer

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